F-Secure Server - WeOnlyDo Client issue to authen - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

F-Secure Server - WeOnlyDo Client issue to authen (General questions)

by Sreekumar, Thursday, October 21, 2004, 07:46 (7135 days ago)

I installed the F-secure server and tried to connect using WeOnlyDo client. I am unable to authenticate using Public/Private key pair. It works fine with F-Secure Server - F-secure client. When tried to connect F-secure server with User Name Password from WeOnlyDo client it worked fine.

Attached is the list of steps i did along with the code snippet.

1. Code to create Public/Private Key

//Private Key
String Filename = @ C:UserKeysWeOnlyDoSshUser ;
//Public Key
String FilenamePub = @ C:UserKeysWeOnlyDoSshUser.pub ;

KeyManager km = new KeyManager();
km.Generate(SSHKeyTypes.DSAKey );
km.Save(SSHKeyTypes.DSAKey, Filename);

//Public Key Tried copying and pasting from the output

//Public Key Tried directly writing to file
StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(FilenamePub);

catch(Exception ex)
string msg = ex.Message ;

2. Created a user 'SshUser' (Local to that machine) in the server running F-secure Server

4. Copied WeOnlyDoSshUser.pub to C:Documents and Settingssshuser.ssh2

5. Created a file named authorization in the above stated folder with key WeOnlyDoSshUser.pub as text data

6. F-Secure server setting are default except only enabled authentication is Public Key

7. Code to connect to server
SSH Ssh1 = new SSH();
Ssh1.Hostname = TextBox2.Text //IP Address;
Ssh1.Login = sshuser ;
Ssh1.Port =22;
String Filename = @ CUserKeysWeOnlyDoSshUser ;
Ssh1.Protocol = WeOnlyDo.Client.SSH.SupportedProtocols.SSH2;
Ssh1.Timeout = 30;

Ssh1.Authentication = WeOnlyDo.Client.SSH.Authentications.PublicKey;

WeOnlyDo.Security.Cryptography.KeyManager km = new WeOnlyDo.Security.Cryptography.KeyManager();

WeOnlyDo.Security.Cryptography.SSHKeyTypes type = km.Load(Filename);

Ssh1.PrivateKey = km.PrivateKey(type);

This is showing error
Authentication with the server failed.
Note : While connecting using f-secure client to F-secure server
using Public key it's working.

While connecting using WeOnlyDo client to F-secure server
using Password it's working.

Please help me



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