Re: FTP resume does not work in my app - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: FTP resume does not work in my app (General questions)

by Max, Tuesday, March 20, 2007, 12:49 (6270 days ago) @ wodDamir


Can you please try some other client?

Does it work with it?

Can you verify that the Resume Property is set to true before you attempt a PutFile?


Hi, I've tried with filezilla, select resume and it works. The ftp command that filezilla sent are:

Response: 200 Switching to Binary mode.
Command: PASV
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (80,86,145,128,34,13)
Command: APPE
Response: 150 Ok to send data.
Response: 226 File receive OK.

The resume property is correctly set to true. These are my ftp settings:

_ftp = Nothing
_ftp = New wodFtpDLXComLib.wodFtpDLXCom
_ftp.LicenseKey = MYCODE
_ftp.Authentication = odFtpDLXComLib.AuthenticationsEnum.authPassword
_ftp.Timeout = 60
_ftp.Compression = 0
_ftp.Blocking = True
_ftp.Protocol = wodFtpDLXComLib.ProtocolsEnum.FTP
_ftp.Hostname = _hostname
_ftp.Login = _login
_ftp.Password = _password
_ftp.Resume = True
_ftp.Passive = False
_ftp.Port = _port

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