FTP reply followup - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

FTP reply followup (wodSFTP / wodSFTP.NET / wodSFTPdll)

by jim, Friday, January 26, 2007, 15:42 (6323 days ago)


i received the sample FTPreply and it works with your ftp server. but what about sftp & ssh? i noted in the docs some mention of this but not knowledgeable to make it work. here's your code & my code that fails ftpreply for SSH.

If rbXX.Checked Then
With dlx1
.Protocol = wodFtpDLXComLib.ProtocolsEnum.SFTP
If cert.Text.Length = 0 Then
cert.LoadKey( c:keyprivate )
End If
.Certificate = cert
.Authentication = wodFtpDLXComLib.AuthenticationsEnum.authCertificate
.Hostname = secure.dor.state.XX.us
.Password =
.Blocking = True
.Passive = False
.Port = 444 'set port after Auth, control toggles port based on Auth
End With
End If
If rbWOD.Checked Then
dlx1.Protocol = wodFtpDLXComLib.ProtocolsEnum.FTP
dlx1.Certificate = Nothing
dlx1.Authentication = wodFtpDLXComLib.AuthenticationsEnum.authPassword
dlx1.Hostname = ******
dlx1.Login = *****
dlx1.Password = ******
dlx1.Blocking = True
dlx1.Passive = False
dlx1.Port = 21
End If
along with
Private Sub dlx1_FTPReply(ByVal Command As String, ByVal ReplyCode As Short, ByVal ReplyText As String) Handles dlx1.FTPReply
TextBox1.Text = TextBox1.Text + Trim(Command) & & Trim(ReplyText) + vbCrLf
End Sub

can you help me understand the differences for SSH. i know the server is suppose to reply to a putfile command, but i don't receive anything.



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