Re: Unhandled exception with listDir() method - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: Unhandled exception with listDir() method (General questions)

by wodDamir, Wednesday, November 22, 2006, 12:36 (6390 days ago) @ Alex Bernhard


Can you show me a code snippet of how you call the mentioned Methods?

The Blocking Property needs to be set to True when you are using component in a scripting mode, where code is being executed line-per-line. If you use events to invoke Methods, you don't need the blocking.


If you use Connect Method, and make ListDir Call in Connected Event, then you wouldn't need to set blocking property to true.

If you would however use Connect Method, and call ListDir Method right after the Connect, the component would start executing ListDir, although Connect hasn't finished yet. Blocking mode ensures that each method is completed before proceeding to next line in the code.


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