Re: Does control support Host Key Validation - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: Does control support Host Key Validation (General questions)

by wodAlan, Tuesday, January 31, 2006, 00:49 (6686 days ago) @ jimcam

Does the sftp control support host key validation?

Yes, our wodSFTP component support host key validation. Try to use Fingerprint under HostFingerprint Event.

Here is the example:
[code]Private Sub wodSFTP1_HostFingerprint(ByVal Fingerprint As String,
Accept As Boolean)
If Fingerprint = 8c:cb:8a:1e:47:af:f3:bd:2b:b5:f9:23:dc:51:eb:21 Then
Accept = True
Debug.Print accepted ; Fingerprint
Accept = False
Debug.Print Fingerprint is not accepted
End If
End Sub
I recommend to save Fingerprint of your server for trying to connect later to that server.

You can find more help in the manual of wodSFTP or you can see it online
I hope that I helped you! Let me know how it goes!

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