Error connecting for client - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Error connecting for client (wodVPN)

by c5m7b4, Wednesday, November 09, 2005, 17:47 (6752 days ago)

I love this tool, and it works great but once i installed my app at the clients site, it will not connect. i get the error that 'System.Net.Sockets.SocketException'. The client is on a VPN ( and everything is blocked out) so i asked the admin to open up port 22. Are there any other ports that I need to download a file from the SFTP server?? I am logging the proxy type and it returns none so i dont thing i have a proxy problem. i am also logging the port and i believe the sftp tool is using port 22 alone. i can go to the client command prompt and type in 'Telnet 22' and it says i have established a connection but the sftp tool will not connect to the server???? here is a snippet of my code:

sftp.Hostname = ip
sftp.Login = user
sftp.Password = pass
sftp.Blocking = True
sftp.Port = 22
Logit.ftpLog( Connecting to server & ip)
Logit.ftpLog( Checking Port. )
Logit.ftpLog( using port & sftp.Port.ToString())
If sftp.ProxyType = WeOnlyDo.Client.SFTP.ProxyTypes.ProxyNone Then
Logit.ftpLog( Proxy type is set to sftp.proxyType.Proxynone )
ElseIf sftp.ProxyType = WeOnlyDo.Client.SFTP.ProxyTypes.ProxyRelay Then
Logit.ftpLog( Proxy type is set to sftp.proxytype.ProxyRelay )
ElseIf sftp.ProxyType = WeOnlyDo.Client.SFTP.ProxyTypes.ProxySocks4 Then
Logit.ftpLog( Proxy type is set to sftp.proxyType.ProxySocks4 )
ElseIf sftp.ProxyType = WeOnlyDo.Client.SFTP.ProxyTypes.ProxySocks4a Then
Logit.ftpLog( Proxy type is set to sftp.proxyType.ProxySocks4a )
ElseIf sftp.ProxyType = WeOnlyDo.Client.SFTP.ProxyTypes.ProxySocks5 Then
Logit.ftpLog( Proxy type is set to sftp.proxyType.ProxySocks5 )
ElseIf sftp.ProxyType = WeOnlyDo.Client.SFTP.ProxyTypes.ProxySocks5 Then
Logit.ftpLog( Proxy type is set to sftp.proxyType.ProxySocks5 )
ElseIf sftp.ProxyType = WeOnlyDo.Client.SFTP.ProxyTypes.ProxyWEBStandard Then
Logit.ftpLog( Proxy type is set to sftp.proxyTyep.ProxyWebStandars )
Logit.ftpLog( Proxy type could not be detected. )
End If
Logit.ftpLog(ip & connected successfully )

The code never reaches the last log where it is connected. I can see everything in the log file up until I issue the connect command. any ideas on what I need to tell this admin so my software will work??

Here is what my log file looks like:

11/9/2005 10:22:37 AM : Connecting to server
11/9/2005 10:22:37 AM : using port 22
11/9/2005 10:22:37 AM : Proxy type is set to sftp.proxyType.Proxynone

Thanks in advance,

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