Re: Downloading to a read-only file and progress i - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: Downloading to a read-only file and progress i (General questions)

by gn, Friday, October 14, 2005, 00:22 (6774 days ago) @ wodSupport

The latest build does throw the following exception Error occurred trying to write to local file. This is fine, I can use exceptions blocks around the calls to wodFtpDLX. Still, why the Done event is not automatically generated with the error? Isn't it what the Helps says:

[code]For each method issued by the user (MakeDir, ListDir, DeleteFile...) this event will be fired to signalize that method has completed, and that it was (successfully) executed. If error occurred, ErrorCode will contain non-zero error code that determines the error. In such case, ErrorText will contain string representation of the error - if it was provided by the server, your OS or the wodFtpDLX itself.[/code]



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