Re: {wodTelnetDLX} versus {wodSSH} - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: {wodTelnetDLX} versus {wodSSH} (General questions)

by Robert, Monday, August 23, 2004, 04:27 (7185 days ago) @ wodSupport

Well, I took you advise and started down the path of testing with wodTelnetDLX; however, I have noticed a few properties in the wodSSH, that I cannot seem to find in the wodTelnetDLX component.

Encryption: Determines the encryption algorithm to be used with SSH.

Compression: Determines the level of compression used.

ForwardHost: Determines the hostname that data will be forwarded to with SSH tunneling.

ForwardPort : Determines if wodSSH will only forward data to remote port.

I am VERY new to SSH, SSL; however I have noticed these type of options in most commercial terminal emulation applications. So, does wodTelnetDLX have a way to configure these properties?

Thank You, Robert.

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