Re: SFTP.NET - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: SFTP.NET (General questions)

by wodSupport, Thursday, August 05, 2004, 23:44 (7197 days ago) @ Carlos Triassi


wodSFTP.NET does not have any special bandwidth throttling - each connection works in separate thread, so it will depend on winsock to decide when will which thread send/receive data.

As for speed? Usually SFTP is slightly slower than FTP, but NET version is considerably slower than FTP, I assume this is expected since code is exactly the same as in ActiveX version, but NET by itself slows it down. I think your tests will show this.

Hope I helped.

Complete thread:


  • SFTP.NET - Carlos Triassi, 2004-08-05, 23:23 [*]
    • Re: SFTP.NET - wodSupport, 2004-08-05, 23:44