wodCertificate > CSR with old MD5-RSA Hash Algorhythm - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

wodCertificate > CSR with old MD5-RSA Hash Algorhythm (wodWebServer / wodWebServer.NET)

by Michael Schwing, Thursday, June 04, 2020, 15:20 (1433 days ago)

Hi there,

i just wanted to build me a quick tool to generate CSRs for our customers as we are succesfully using wodWebServer for years.

Everything just works fine, but i hit a brick wall when i tried to use the CSR for real.

wodCertificate.dll (even in the latest available version) is using Signature Algorithm = md5WithRSAEncryption

Wow! That's creepy as MD5 is outdated and not anymore accepted by pretty much every serious CA out there.

Is there any easy way to either make the used SigHash Algo a chooseable option?

Best pratice would be default to sha256WithRSAEncryption

If "optional" is not an easy way to go, at least a fix should be a change from MD5 to SHA256. So a simple wodCertificate.request(...) will result in a CSR with SHA- and not with MD5 hashed Signing-Algo.

Any chance that a fix is possible with this?

Thanks and best regards

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