get data back without events/forms and with blocking mode? - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

get data back without events/forms and with blocking mode? (wodSSH / wodSSH.NET)

by dirk, Saturday, February 08, 2020, 15:42 (1545 days ago) @ Jasmine


Set Ssh = New wodSSHCom
Set sshKeys = New WODSSHKeyLib.Keys

Ssh.LicenseKey = "my license"
Ssh.UseIPv6 = True

Ssh.DebugFile = "c:\sshdebug.log"
Ssh.HostName = strServer
Ssh.Columns = 200
Ssh.Port = 22
Ssh.Login = strUsername
Ssh.Password = strPassword

Ssh.Command = "date +" & Chr(34) & "%T" & Chr(34)
Ssh.Timeout = intTimeout

Ssh.Blocking = True
strResponse = Ssh.Receive
Set sshKeys = Nothing
Set Ssh = Nothing
ssh_docheck = True

=> always gives a timeout, independantly of the actual set timeout. (and yes username/password are correct) What is even stranger is that I do not get a a "started session" on the screen of the server.

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