Re: VB6 & MySQL - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: VB6 & MySQL (General questions)

by wodSupport, Wednesday, March 09, 2005, 15:46 (7011 days ago) @ michael090

Yes you can. You will probably need to use EXE version of wodSSHTunnel (since it's outproc). Just add channel that listens and redirects port 3306 and that's it.

Problem is with many database clients that they block the thread when you use them - since wodSSHTunnel lives in same thread, he's unable to process windows messages, and you have everything frozen. That's why I suggest using EXE version, or trying to set Threads = True property.

Complete thread:


  • VB6 & MySQL - michael090, 2005-03-09, 06:08 [*]
    • Re: VB6 & MySQL - wodSupport, 2005-03-09, 15:46