error 30027 - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

error 30027 (wodSFTP / wodSFTP.NET / wodSFTPdll)

by Jasmine, Wednesday, February 11, 2015, 20:42 (3362 days ago) @ AndyJ

Hi Andy.

We did some tests. We installed Windows Server 2012 R2 x64, VB6 (and VS2008 needed for debugging).

I opened VB/Component/1.Simple sample. Added button to the form, with simple code

    Sftp1.GetFiles "c:\a", "/home/user"

so all files from /home/user are copied to directory a on local disk.

I also added this code for debugging:

Private Sub Sftp1_LoopError(ByVal LocalFile As String, ByVal RemoteFile As String, ByVal ItemType As wodSFTPCOMLib.DirItemTypes, ErrorCode As Long, ByVal ErrorText As String)
    Debug.Print "LOOPERROR " & ErrorText
End Sub

Private Sub Sftp1_LoopItem(LocalFile As String, RemoteFile As String, ByVal ItemType As wodSFTPCOMLib.DirItemTypes, Skip As Boolean)
    Debug.Print "LOOPITEM " & RemoteFile
End Sub

I have run it several times. It didn't crash, and all files were transferred correctly. I tested against OpenSSH running on Linux ubuntu OpenSSH_5.9p1.

Any chance you can try the same, or change somehow this sample so it produces same results as you're experiencing?

Kind regards,

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