wodTelnetDLX ActiveX component

Secure Telnet (SSL, SSH, VT100) client ActiveX component


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wodTelnetDLX ActiveX Component and COM object

2.6.4 April 4, 2024
* Change for all character encodings from Active Codepage (ACP) to UTF8

2.6.3 January 16, 2024
* Fix for Terrapin attacks (CVE-2023-48795) using strict KEX mode

2.6.2 September 8, 2023
* Fix in using SSH private key authentication that failed to load private key
	which was valid in previous versions

2.6.1 August 13, 2021
* Support for ssh-ed25519

2.6.0 August 31, 2020
* Binaries now compiled in VS2019
* OpenSSL updated to 1.0.2u

2.5.9 May 13, 2019
* Fix 'server signature mismatch' in SSH2 protocol during key renegotiation

2.5.8 January 15, 2018
* Updated OpenSSL to 1.0.2n

2.5.7 February 9, 2017
* Fix when error "Bad server public DH value" is returned for unknown reason

2.5.6 April 9, 2016
* New key exchange algorithms diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256 and 
* Support for Elliptic curve cryptography
* Key exchange algorithms ecdh-sha2-nistp256,ecdh-sha2-nistp384,ecdh-sha2-nistp521
* Signature algorithm ecdsa-sha2-nistp256,ecdsa-sha2-nistp384,ecdsa-sha2-nistp521

2.5.5. June 25, 2015
* TLS 1.1 and 1.2 support

2.5.4 April 9, 2013
* Blinking support in GUI version for ANSI graphics

2.5.3 February 25, 2012
* New property CursorHeight in GUI version

2.5.2 March 6, 2011
* Fix in Text property that now returns/sets contents of backlog too

2.5.1 February 18, 2011
* Fix in SelectedText property that returned extra space between each char

2.5.0 October 17, 2010
* New property RecordMode

2.4.4 July 20, 2010
* Support for aes128-ctr, aes192-ctr, aes256-ctr encryption algorithms
	in SSH2 protocol

2.4.3 July 9, 2010
* New method SelectRect added in GUI version
* New property TranslateSpecial added in GUI version

2.4.2 March 17, 2010
* HandleSysKeys property added in GUI version

2.4.1 January 20, 2010
* Distribution now contains x86 and x64 binaries

2.4.0 November 9, 2009
* wodTelnetDLX terminal GUI now works properly on Vista/Windows 7 systems 
* Binaries are from now on recompiled in VS 2008

2.3.9 March 1, 2009
* Fixes possible access violation error when 10060 is returned in 
	Connected event
* Updated OpenSSL to latest version
* Removed requirement for MSVCRT.DLL

2.3.8 September 16, 2008
* Fixed an issue with enter key in Internet Explorer sometimes
	being sent twice

2.3.7 August 14, 2008
* MiddleClick event added in GUI version

2.3.6 January 2, 2008
* Fix in GUI version. When more than one instance was used in same
	application, cursor location was mixed between instances

2.3.5 October 25, 2007
* Change in telnet protocol - now you can specify only password for
	autologin feature too, to comply with some cisco routers

2.3.4 August 22, 2007
* Mouse wheel support with MouseWheel property

2.3.3 April 20, 2007
* VT100 emulation improvements

2.3.2 March 18, 2007
* IPv6 support added
* NTLM authentication fix (was introduced in 2.3.0 with new OpenSSL libraries)

2.3.1 March 12, 2007
* Add TelnetOption property to define your own telnet negotiation options

2.3.0 February 10, 2007
* Switched to OpenSSL 0.9.7 which is FIPS140-2 certificated. See certificate #733 at

2.2.5 January 21, 2007
* Fix in ZMODEM download when multiple files were received

2.2.4 September 10, 2006
* Properties ScrollX and ScrollY added to GUI version
* ShowCursor property added to GUI version

2.2.3 May 30, 2006
* Behavior change in GUI version. Now when you select items and try to pass over
	upper/lower terminal screen boundaries, screen will auto-scroll

2.2.2 May 3, 2006
* Fixes inconsistency with first line returned, depending if Execute/Waitfor method
	was used with or without regular expression pattern (sometimes lines were
	removed from the buffer, sometimes it wasn't)
* If Rows/Columns property changes in GUI version when component is connected, 
	it will send appropriate messages to the server 
	to change its console terminal size

2.2.1 April 17, 2006
* Fixed problem in GUI version that could crash when data arrives at high speed

2.2.0 January 22, 2006
* SSH2 protocol now reports terminal speed (38400) to the server
* Fixed crash that could occur in GUI version during ANSI parsing

2.1.9 January 13, 2006
* If Waitfor returns error (pattern not found) it will not consume incoming buffer 
	anymore. You can now call Receive after it to see why Waitfor failed
* Receive, when called in blocking mode, will not cause wodTelnetDLX to disconnect
	(since timeout expired)

2.1.8 October 10, 2005
* Add StripColors property to ignore colors before they are displayed in GUI

2.1.7 October 1, 2005
* New proxy type ProxyWindows added. When set, wodTelnetDLX will use same values
	for proxy as defined in Internet Explorer

2.1.6 August 30, 2005
* Fix in SSH protocol during initial greeting exchange. wodTelnetDLX could
	have caused crash if invalid greeting was received
* Fix in Terminal emulator window where scrollbars didn't work correctly

2.1.5 July 5, 2005
* Fix in SSH protocol that sometimes reported  error 30011 when used in 
	multithreaded environment
* Fix in SSH protocol during key regeneration that could cause a crash

2.1.4 May 3, 2005
* Add KeepAlives and DataOut properties

2.1.3 March 15, 2005
* Support for regular expressions in Prompt property, and 
	in Waitfor and Execute methods.

2.1.2 January 26, 2005
* Fix for 100% CPU utilization problem when connection is dropped while wodTelnetDLX
	was inside Waitfor or Execute methods

2.1.1 October 30, 2004
* Connected event did not fire in SSH protocol. Fixed.
* Fix in GUI version of wodTelnetDLX when Clear method did not remove colors
	from the screen
* Changed version numbering. Last part of version now removed as build number

---- old version numbering October 19, 2004
* Add ZMODEM support September 1, 2004
* Add RowHeight, ColWidth and SpecialKeyFocus properties to GUI version
* wodCertificate can now import Putty, Vandyke, SSH.COM and F-Secure private keys April 16, 2004
* Fix in GUI part of wodTelnetDLX that sometimes caused ALT, CTRL and SHIFT 
	keys to be reported as pressed (in KeyPressSpecial event) 
	- even they were released but it was not detected by wodTelnetDLX March 17, 2004
* Fix in VT100 emulation that could lead to crash February 16, 2004
* Add ReceiveLine, PeekLine and Peek methods February 7, 2004
* Add RightClick event and SelectedText properties
* wodCertificate can now load certificates and keys from CER/DER files
* Add support for OpenSSH's keep-alive protection through
	ClientAliveInterval config setting January 6, 2004
* Fix in Linux terminal emulation and scrolling
* Fix with PageDown key that worked as Down Arrow key
* wodCertificate can now load certificates and keys from PKCS12 PFX files December 9, 2003
* WaitFor and Execute methods now accept negative timeout, to define
	absolute timeout that cause timeout error to be fired November 29, 2003
* Add possibility to upgrade from Raw to SSL protocol during already
	connected session
* Minor fixes that could cause component to crash November 25, 2003
* Add Proxy support (SOCKS4/5, WEB proxy)
* Add Record and Play methods to save and reproduce sessions November 13, 2003
* Fix in Waitfor and Receive methods that did not return whole received data
	if zero bytes were found in it (data was truncated at that point) November 11, 2003
* Fix in Connect method that failed with error -1 on subsequent calls
* Fix in Received event that returned negative values in ByteCount argument. October 28, 2003
* Add support for large buffers in Waitfor and Execute methods. Commands
	that produce large outputs as result of these commands will no 
	longer freeze the component or cause crash (few MB outputs) October 23, 2003
* Add DataReady property
* Improved speed of SSL initialization August 14, 2003
* Emulation improvements July 25, 2003
* Fix in AutoSize that caused component to move to (0,0) when clicked
	on GUI window
* Flickering fix July 19, 2003
* Fix in GUI version where AutoSize=True could cause component to
	create GPF immediatelly July 3, 2003
* Fix when BackLog was changed and crash occured at design time June 21, 2003
* Fix of rare GPF that occurred in VT100 emulation June 18, 2003
* Add NTLM authentication support for Telnet protocol June 9, 2003
* Fix problems with losing focus in PowerBuilder-made applications June 8, 2003
* Add Fast Notifications support - 30 times faster than firing events
	(only for COM object)
* Add Notification property
* Add sample that implement new IwodTelnetNotify interface
* Updated docs to reflect wodTelnetDLX improvements May 28, 2003
* Add Row and Column properties to OCX part of the control May 23, 2003
* Fix in Copy menu that was not enabled sometimes
* Fix in SSL when client cert was in windows store protected by password
* Add LastError and ErrorText properties May 16, 2003
* Changed behavior of Send method - now it does not accept LONG values
	to be sent - this is fix so that HTML embedded wodTelnetDLX
	components can be used with function keys May 9, 2003
* Add support for context menus
* Add DebugFile
* Change for 16k static buffer when receiving, now unlimited size
* Improved VT100 and Linux emulations
* Support for function keys in VT100 and Linux emulations
* Support for ALT, CTRL and SHIFT keys in KeyPressSpecial event April 27, 2003
* Fix small memory leaks in both COM and ActiveX version
* Fix for certificate error even authentication was set to 'Password' March 24, 2003
* Fix for Text property when Index was negative, caused GPF under
	some circumstances December 10, 2002
* Add Execute and Waitfor methods
* Fix component used in blocking mode with predefined command
* Fix for enter key when pressed before user clicked 
	to TelnetDLX window November 13, 2002
* Add printing support for 'slave printing' from inside applications
	running on the server
* Add support for changing Rows and Columns when control is running
* Add support for Linux terminal emulations
* Better support for colors
* Better support for graphics characters October 27, 2002
* Fix for UNIX TOP command and problems in ANSI sequences it sends
* RemoteIdentification property now returns proper information September 18, 2002
* Fix for Connected event not firing in Telnet protocol
	when login and password were set before connecting.
* SSH1 protocol had exchanged Rows and Columns definition when
	terminal info was sent to the server September 17, 2002
* Fix for Prompt property in GUI mode. When prompt property
	was used, prompt was not printed in GUI.
* Fix for GUI selection using mouse. Now scrollback 
	selection is supported.
* Add property Text that holds screen buffer
* Add property BackLog to determine backbuffer size
* Fix for SSH2 protocol and hangup after large packet of
	incoming data September 2, 2002
* Initial release