Frequently Asked Questions

How to implement wodCertificate with wodFtpDLX in Delphi?

This is how wodCertificate should be implemented in wodFtpDLX using Delphi:

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
var c : wodFtpDLXComLib_TLB.ICertificate;

var tc : TCertificate;

tc := TCertificate.Create(nil);
tc.LoadKey ('c:\PrivateKey.txt','');
tc.DefaultInterface.QueryInterface(WODCERTMNGLib_TLB.IID_ICertificate, c);
dlx1.Certificate := c;

dlx1.Hostname := 'your_server_name';
dlx1.Authentication := 2;
dlx1.Protocol := 1;
dlx1.Login := 'your_login';

Example shows how to connect to server using your PrivateKey with wodCertificate (server needs to have your public key in that case).

 Last updated Thu, Nov 7 2013 11:00pm

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