Does wodWebServer.Net support precompiled - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Does wodWebServer.Net support precompiled (wodWebServer / wodWebServer.NET)

by Jeremy, Friday, May 09, 2014, 14:58 (3648 days ago)

Does wodWebServer.Net support precompiled web application?

Is there any sample code?

Does wodWebServer.Net support precompiled

by wodSupport, Friday, May 09, 2014, 21:33 (3648 days ago) @ Jeremy

Hi Jeremy.

Yes, you can use precompiled applications. Here's what I did to make it work. I installed wodWebServer.NET, and tested with our 'VB 5. With ASPX' sample. Inside that sample's folder, I renamed 'Website1' folder to 'WebSite1.src' folder, and created new empty 'WebSite1' folder. Since our sample app uses that folder for serving ASP.NET pages, I thought this would be best approach.

Then, as explained here:

NOTE: I had to remove Authentication mode = Windows from web.config (line 27) for aspnet_compiler to work correctly.

I opened command prompt, went to C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727, and executed command like this one:

aspnet_compiler.exe -p "\VB 5. With ASPX\WebSite1.src" -v / "\VB 5. With ASPX\WebSite1"

(change to real path where wodWebServer.NET is installed". As you can see, command compiles original WebSite1.src to compiled WebSite1.

After that, I just opened our sample and executed it. It worked like a charm.

Hope this helps!
