need ftp component which meet my requirement - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

need ftp component which meet my requirement (General questions)

by rajesh, Thursday, July 29, 2004, 07:15 (7219 days ago)


I have to upload files from client machine A . which runs ASP application from different machine B .Now, i need to upload files from local system A to FTP server c using application server B . Is it Possible?

Urgent need.
Your reply in this is highly appreciable

Thanks in Advance,


Re: need ftp component which meet my requirement

by wodSupport, Thursday, July 29, 2004, 10:57 (7219 days ago) @ rajesh


I suggest you use your ASP application with wodFtpDLX/wodSFTP to do FTP/SFTP transferring from ASP to end-server. I suggest you use 'form upload' feature to upload files from the client and his Internet Explorer to ASP application (and then transfer from there using FTP/SFTP to end server).

Typical example for uploading via HTML would be:
<form name= form1 method= post action= enctype= multipart/form-data >
<input type= file name= TheFile size= 75 >&nbsp;<BR>
<input type= Text name= Name value= Enter your name here.... size= 53 >
<input type= submit name= Submit value= Submit >[/code]

If you do above, you don't need to care about client's firewalls or connection problems. As long as he's able to use his browser, he will be able to upload to your ASP - and then you can do with received file anything you want.

Let me know if it helps.

Re: need ftp component which meet my requirement

by rajesh, Thursday, July 29, 2004, 12:46 (7219 days ago) @ wodSupport


I suggest you use your ASP application with wodFtpDLX/wodSFTP to do FTP/SFTP transferring from ASP to end-server. I suggest you use 'form upload' feature to upload files from the client and his Internet Explorer to ASP application (and then transfer from there using FTP/SFTP to end server).

Typical example for uploading via HTML would be:
<form name= form1 method= post action= enctype= multipart/form-data >
<input type= file name= TheFile size= 75 > <BR>
<input type= Text name= Name value= Enter your name here.... size= 53 >
<input type= submit name= Submit value= Submit >[/code]

If you do above, you don't need to care about client's firewalls or connection problems. As long as he's able to use his browser, he will be able to upload to your ASP - and then you can do with received file anything you want.

Let me know if it helps.

Re: need ftp component which meet my requirement

by rajesh, Thursday, July 29, 2004, 12:54 (7219 days ago) @ rajesh

Thanks for Reply

This would help me only in uploading multiple file or directory to application server using vbscript, but I need to dowload file or directory to unknown client machine, is it possible. With vbscript from application server to client machine I need give download option for folders also.


Re: need ftp component which meet my requirement

by wodSupport, Thursday, July 29, 2004, 13:23 (7219 days ago) @ rajesh

I agree, this was for uploading only. Downloading would be even easier - you could download and pipe to the client on the fly.

But if it gets too complicated, you can also embed our OCX to HTML page (not ASP!) so it's executed on the client side. Client would connect directly to your SSH2 server. This could be potential security leak, I admit, since in theory he could find your login/password if executed from the client side. That's why I suggested you use HTML based uploads/downloads, and do the pipe-ing from server side.

I can try to give you example of how to do it, but will take me day-two. Can you wait that long?

Please contact me to [][/mail] so I can send you the sample directly.


Re: need ftp component which meet my requirement

by rajesh, Thursday, July 29, 2004, 13:40 (7219 days ago) @ wodSupport

Thanks Kreso
The only thing I need is to Upload/download directory(1 or more) and/or files(1 or more) to FTP server without using file control.
(Client --> IIS server--> FTP server )

Re: need ftp component which meet my requirement

by wodSupport, Thursday, July 29, 2004, 17:18 (7218 days ago) @ rajesh

Thanks Kreso
The only thing I need is to Upload/download directory(1 or more) and/or files(1 or more) to FTP server without using file control.
(Client --> IIS server--> FTP server )

Rajesh, I think I have what you need. It's almost done - downloading works, have to finish uploading. SFTP is done under the hood with wodFtpDLX - it's much easier to use wodFtpDLX because of it's DirItems property (so I don't need to parse directory listing).

Please send me email and I'll send you what I have so far - and when sample is finished I'll add it to samples section of wodFtpDLX.


Re: need ftp component which meet my requirement

by wodSupport, Friday, July 30, 2004, 00:25 (7218 days ago) @ wodSupport


I have updated wodFtpDLX with 'fetch.asp' sample that I think meets your requirements. Please download wodFtpDLX (again) and try it out, it's in SamplesASP folder.

I will now create similar sample for wodSFTP.
