Help setting component - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Help setting component (wodAppUpdate)

by Nilton, Thursday, November 28, 2013, 13:36 (3894 days ago)

Sorry for the mistakes in grammar ... I'm from Brazil and I am trying to implement the wodAppUpdate on my system. I do not understand how to configure the component so that it can check versions on my web server with my local file.

Can anyone help me?

Help setting component

by wodDrazen, Thursday, November 28, 2013, 13:47 (3894 days ago) @ Nilton

Hi Nilton,

You can save your configuration file to some local file and load it inside Check Method.

Something like this:
wodAppUpdate1.Check App.Path & "\config.txt"

For example you can save this inside config.txt file. This is configuration file from our sample:
#Update file signature


Text=some text

Let us know how it goes.


WeOnlyDo! Software - Internet Security Components
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Help setting component

by Nilton, Thursday, November 28, 2013, 13:58 (3894 days ago) @ wodDrazen

I did just that ... But this config.text file refers to the file that is on my web server?

Help setting component

by wodDrazen, Thursday, November 28, 2013, 14:00 (3894 days ago) @ Nilton


Where do you want to have that file? On same machine where wodAppUpdate is?


WeOnlyDo! Software - Internet Security Components
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Help setting component

by Nilton, Thursday, November 28, 2013, 14:17 (3894 days ago) @ wodDrazen

Exactly, it will be a desktop application that will change some files on it. But these files are in a web server

Help setting component

by wodDrazen, Thursday, November 28, 2013, 14:20 (3894 days ago) @ Nilton


Then you need to try code snippet that I sent you in my first reply.

Something like this:
wodAppUpdate1.Check "c:\config.txt"


WeOnlyDo! Software - Internet Security Components
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Help setting component

by Nilton, Thursday, November 28, 2013, 14:28 (3894 days ago) @ wodDrazen

I do not understand the following:

  This Config.txt file refers to the file that will be on the web (which will be used to upgrade my system)? If I'm doing exactly what I said in the first post.

  And the object properties wodAppUpdate in source code, for example, version? The same is used to compare with the version that is on file Config.txt? Or is he the internal wodAppUpdate?

  I also realized that there is a class named UpdFile, which has several properties that in my testing was not any difference ... These properties me the source code I have to fill out?

Help setting component

by wodDrazen, Thursday, November 28, 2013, 14:54 (3894 days ago) @ Nilton


You can put config file on web or you can use it locally. It's on you to decide from where you want to load config file.

wodAppUpdate will compare details inside config file and file on local system which you want to update.

You don't need to use UpdFile if you don't want to. However it's there if you need to change something about update files inside your code.


WeOnlyDo! Software - Internet Security Components
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Help setting component

by, Thursday, November 28, 2013, 15:13 (3894 days ago) @ wodDrazen

Alright! Did some testing here and it worked!

In HelpOnline see it has several properties such as NewVersion. If I put this property in Config.txt file will automatically identify the component?

Help setting component

by wodDrazen, Thursday, November 28, 2013, 15:20 (3894 days ago) @


Yes it should. Let us know if you find some problem.


WeOnlyDo! Software - Internet Security Components
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Help setting component

by Nilton, Thursday, November 28, 2013, 15:52 (3894 days ago) @ wodDrazen

yes speak ...

Another problem I'm experiencing is that when I put the file on the server Config.txt he replies that failed in the signature, and it works perfectly when found locally.

Help setting component

by wodDrazen, Thursday, November 28, 2013, 16:17 (3894 days ago) @ Nilton


Can you show us maybe your config file?

Please make sure that you add this line at begging:
#Update file signature

More info about config file you can find here:


WeOnlyDo! Software - Internet Security Components
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Help setting component

by Nilton, Thursday, November 28, 2013, 16:31 (3894 days ago) @ wodDrazen

I write like this:

#Update file signature



But it is a txt file and is in dropbox and step the download link. perhaps that is what is wrong

Help setting component

by wodDrazen, Thursday, November 28, 2013, 16:43 (3894 days ago) @ Nilton


What happens if you use some other file that isn't on Dropbox?


WeOnlyDo! Software - Internet Security Components
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Help setting component

by Nilton, Thursday, November 28, 2013, 16:56 (3894 days ago) @ wodDrazen

When the file is Config.txt site, it can run successfully the update! When I put the same file in DropBox Config.txt it the fault in the signature. Recalling that literally put the txt file in DropBox and I share the link to check the function of your component!

In Config.txt file at the URL, the link step of a Archiving for download which is also in DropBox.

Help setting component

by wodDrazen, Thursday, November 28, 2013, 17:17 (3894 days ago) @ Nilton


When you open URL in Dropbox you actually receive webpage where you need to click on download button to download that file.

What happens if you add your config file somewhere where you can open it directly (in browser for example)?


WeOnlyDo! Software - Internet Security Components
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Help setting component

by Nilton, Thursday, November 28, 2013, 17:26 (3894 days ago) @ wodDrazen

When you open URL in Dropbox you actually receive webpage where you need to click on download button to download that file.
A: Yes.

What happens if you add your config file somewhere where you can open it directly (in browser for example)?
R: How would I do this option?

Help setting component

by wodDrazen, Thursday, November 28, 2013, 17:47 (3894 days ago) @ Nilton


You need to run your server or put it somewhere on Internet from where you can access this file.

Inside our example we use our online configuration file.

You can find it here:


WeOnlyDo! Software - Internet Security Components
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