Delphi connection trouble - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Delphi connection trouble (wodSSH / wodSSH.NET)

by John, Wednesday, August 09, 2006, 05:39 (6492 days ago)

I seem to have trouble connecting to OpenSSH. I have tried every possible combination for the second parameter in the execute method, but none of them work, including the suggested regex. The program always times out after 1 second (I set it to 1 second) and the script I'm trying to execute is never actually executed. I am using the latest licensed version of wodSSH as of about four days ago. The send method appears to work fine, but I need execute with blocking because I'm going to be sending some data back to the client.

here's the prompt:
[root@localhost ~]#

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
bExec := False;

wodSSH1.Hostname := Edit1.Text;
wodSSH1.Login := Edit2.Text;
wodSSH1.Password := Edit3.Text;
wodSSH1.Protocol := ComboBox1.ItemIndex;

if ComboBox1.ItemIndex = 1 then wodSSH1.Port := 23; // for telnet
if ComboBox1.ItemIndex > 1 then wodSSH1.Port := 22; // for SSH

memo1.Text := '';
PrintList('Connecting...' + chr(13) + chr(10));

wodSSH1.Blocking := True;


procedure TForm1.wodSSH1Connected(Sender: TObject; ErrorCode: Smallint;
const ErrorText: WideString);
if ErrorCode<>0 then
printlist('CONNECT error: ' + ErrorText + chr(13) + chr(10))
printlist('CONNECTED to ' + wodssh1.Hostname + chr(13) + chr(10));

wodSSH1.Execute('/root/ aa.txt john000 u3277fhg59njmjv7y56nh' + #10, '[root@localhost ~]# ', 1)


Re: Delphi connection trouble

by wodAlan, Wednesday, August 09, 2006, 08:42 (6492 days ago) @ John

Hi John,

This is what I did in VB6 and this works:

Dim WithEvents ssh1 As wodSSHCom
Set ssh1 = New wodSSHCom
ssh1.HostName = Hostname
ssh1.Blocking = True
ssh1.StripANSI = True
ssh1.Login = login
ssh1.Password = password
ssh1.Protocol = SSHAuto

ssh1.WaitFor ( regex:[$ #>] $ )
If ssh1.DataReady > 0 Then ssh1.Receive
Debug.Print ssh1.Execute( script & vbLf, regex:[$ #>] $ )


And here is what I received from my server:
Script started, file is typescript

Maybe you shuold try set TimeOut Property to 0, I think that will help you.

And of course look at here:

this looks like some similar problem like yours.
