default encoding for wodSMTP.createSimpleAttachmen - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

default encoding for wodSMTP.createSimpleAttachmen (wodSmtp)

by LOGO Datensysteme, Thursday, June 01, 2006, 13:50 (6631 days ago)


general Question:

If i use the create...Attachment() methods, are you generally
using base64 encoding or is it depending on what kind of file
i am attaching? (perhaps based on fileextension?)

Example: Is encoding changing to QuotedPrintable when attaching
an RTF-File instead of a GIF-File (-> base64) ?

Background: I am saving the Message as EML-File as a kind of
Mail-archive. My APP should be able to save/preview the attached
File of such an EML-File. base64-decoding is easy, but the other
encoding-schemes must be programmed if wodSMTP.create... is not
always using base64 as default.

Thanks alot and
best regards


Re: default encoding for wodSMTP.createSimpleAttac

by wodSupport, Thursday, June 01, 2006, 14:11 (6631 days ago) @ LOGO Datensysteme


BASE64 is used. Component doesn't review the contents of attached file, it assumes that attachment isn't readable - otherwise it would be part of the message.


Re: default encoding for wodSMTP.createSimpleAttac

by LOGO Datensysteme, Thursday, June 01, 2006, 14:25 (6631 days ago) @ wodSupport

Well, that's a good answer.

This way i can spare quite a lot of code.

VisualFoxpro decoding base64 is a one-call-function
[code]lcMydecodedContent = STRCONV(lcMyBase64Text,14)[/code]
That's it...

Thanks alot,
This saves me a lot of work..

Best regards