wodSFTPdll - using VB Script - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

wodSFTPdll - using VB Script (General questions)

by Douglash, Wednesday, September 08, 2004, 15:14 (7192 days ago)


I'm trying to transfer a file (obviously!) from one server to another using the security provided by wodsftp.
The problem is I am trying to use VB Script - it's a new challenge.

Problem is (my VB Script knowledge is average and rusty) and I can't find any sample code that has used wodsFTP before - does anyone know of a good location or in fact have any sample code they have used before using VBS

Re: wodSFTPdll - using VB Script

by wodSupport, Wednesday, September 08, 2004, 16:52 (7192 days ago) @ Douglash


here's simple VBS file that will connect to the server and give you listing of / directory. I put comments arround 'GetFile' call - you can call GetFile/PutFile to transfer files too, one after another, in the sequence.
Dim sftp
set Sftp = CreateObject( WeOnlyDo.wodSFTPCom.1 )
sftp.Blocking = 1
sftp.Hostname = your_hostname
sftp.Login = your_login
sftp.Password = your_password
' if you get an error, you can trap it here
'sftp.GetFile c: emp , /home/joe/somefile
sftp.ListDir /
wscript.echo sftp.ListItem

Hope I helped.

Re: wodSFTPdll - using VB Script

by happycujo, Wednesday, November 02, 2005, 21:17 (6772 days ago) @ wodSupport

Thanks, this is helpful.

We have just acquired the wodSFTP component and try to use it as well with VBS. However, I could not found a way to obtain back the various events of the component, such as Connected and Done. Is there any way to get all the event of wodSFTP with VBS?

Futhermore, your below below mentionned 'if you got an error, you can trap it here . Should the vbs ERR object be queried or should it be the ErrorText property of the wodSFTP object? Ìt seem clearer with the events of to do it.

An email response would certainly be appreciated (Admin: Look in my profile)




Dim sftp
set Sftp = CreateObject( WeOnlyDo.wodSFTPCom.1 )
sftp.Blocking = 1
sftp.Hostname = your_hostname
sftp.Login = your_login
sftp.Password = your_password
' if you get an error, you can trap it here
'sftp.GetFile c: emp , /home/joe/somefile

sftp.ListDir /
wscript.echo sftp.ListItem

Hope I helped.

Re: wodSFTPdll - using VB Script

by wodSupport, Wednesday, November 02, 2005, 21:33 (6772 days ago) @ happycujo

This isn't nice VBS what I suggest here, but I think it will work correctly for you. I took it from wodFtpDLX sample, just changed 'FtpDLX' to 'SFTP': [code]Option Explicit
Dim objFTP, lst
Set objFTP = WScript.CreateObject( WeOnlyDo.wodSFTPCom.1 , wod_ )

' please change these lines, from here
WScript.echo Please edit this file and setup Login, Hostname and Password properties
objFTP.Hostname = put.your.host
objFTP.Login = yourlogin
objFTP.Password = yourpass
' to here

objFTP.Blocking = 1
objFTP.ListDir ( / )
lst = objFTP.ListItem
WScript.echo lst

Sub wod_Connected(ErrorCode, ErrorText)
WScript.Echo Connected & ErrorText
End Sub

Sub wod_Disconnected()
WScript.Echo Disconnected
End Sub


Re: wodSFTPdll - using VB Script

by happycujo, Wednesday, November 02, 2005, 23:02 (6772 days ago) @ wodSupport

Thanks for the fast reply. I will have a look at it! It look like to be exactly what I was looking for.

Futhermore, I have another inquiry regarding the wodSFTP component. It seem like we experiencied some CRC failure while uploading to a SFTP server (with key encryption and password). Our programmer tried the follwoing code:

Keys.Load Keys path

If Err.Number = 0 Then
SFTP.Resume = True
SFTP.Blocking = True
SFTP.PrivateKey = Keys.PrivateKey(0)
SFTP.Authentication = 0
SFTP.Login = Login
SFTP.Password = PassW
SFTP.Connect & Site & , 22

If SFTP.State = 3 Then
SFTP.PutFile source, destination

If Err.Number = 0 Then
' transfert is a success
end if
end if
end if

Is the the appropriate way to test if the file was sended with success? Otherwise, which method is more appropriate?



Re: wodSFTPdll - using VB Script

by wodSupport, Wednesday, November 02, 2005, 23:05 (6772 days ago) @ happycujo

Not sure how you can get CRC errors. There can be *NO* errors during send. If there are, SSH layer would broke before file is uploaded.