download progress - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

download progress (wodSSH / wodSSH.NET)

by teddy1969, Tuesday, September 20, 2005, 12:03 (6802 days ago)


I wonder if there is a possibility to check the download state ( x of y bytes downloaded ) without using the Progress event?

In the response object I found the Length property, but I'm still missing a property like 'position'.

Is there a chance?

Thanks in advance.

Best wishes


Re: download progress

by wodSupport, Tuesday, September 20, 2005, 12:11 (6802 days ago) @ teddy1969


that's why Progress event is there. Why can't you use it?

Re: download progress

by teddy1969, Tuesday, September 20, 2005, 12:38 (6802 days ago) @ wodSupport


that's why Progress event is there. Why can't you use it?

Sure I could use the Progress event, no problem!

I think there could be situations where you would like to get the download position without using the event, e.g. to calculate the total downloaded volume on multiple downloads. Therefore you have to calculate this value temporarely in the Progress event.

I think it would be a nice addon to implement a 'position' property in the Response object. Or is there something to be said against it? :-)

Best wishes


Re: download progress

by wodSupport, Tuesday, September 20, 2005, 12:46 (6802 days ago) @ teddy1969


:) well... I can reject the idea, can't I :) This just doesn't sound like natural way of solving problems. Progress event is exactly made for calculations like that. Current position to be returned from read-only property is something you may currently need in your app, but if we go into implementing such specific things - we can end up with 10000 properties like that.

I'm always interested in more general solutions - and Progress is the one .

Hope you see my point.


Re: download progress

by teddy1969, Thursday, September 22, 2005, 13:01 (6800 days ago) @ wodSupport

Hope you see my point.

Yes, I see your point. It's ok.

Thank you for support.
