Could not negotiate key exchange algorithm. - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Could not negotiate key exchange algorithm. (wodSFTP / wodSFTP.NET / wodSFTPdll)

by Joseph Johns, Monday, October 23, 2023, 21:26 (277 days ago)

I am attempting to use we only do in a 4.7.1 application. As such we are using the .net 2.0 dlls. We are unable to update to using .net framework 4.8 due to other requirements. When we attempt to connect to an sftp server we get an error "Could not negotiate key exchange algorithm.". I built a test app doing the minimal required actions to connect to an sftp server. When using the .net 4.0 dlls in the test app with the framework set to 4.8, the connection proceeds as expected. When we use the .net 2.0 dlls regardless of .net framework target the "Could not negotiate key exchange algorithm." is generated. I can only assume I am missing some dependency, but I don't know what it could be. I have the .net 3.5 runtimes installed. The primary application we are running is x64, but I have tried the test app in both x86 and x64 with no success. Do you have any ideas as to possible solutions.

This is with the current version 3.7.2.

Could not negotiate key exchange algorithm.

by Jasmine, Monday, October 23, 2023, 21:28 (277 days ago) @ Joseph Johns


Due to lack of crypto algorithms available in NET 2.0 framework, wodSFTP.NET supports only limited subset that is available in NET 4.0 version. As seems, this limited subset does not provide any match with the server you're connecting to.

I can only suggest you migrate to NET 4 at least, since there's no support for additional NET 2.0 algorithms available in the future.
