wodSFTP.NET - corrupted mac on input - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

wodSFTP.NET - corrupted mac on input (wodSFTP / wodSFTP.NET / wodSFTPdll)

by Jens Deblieck, Friday, April 21, 2023, 11:26 (463 days ago)

Dear WOD,

We updated our wodSFTP.dll to the latest version ( since we are heving more and more client that we cannot connect to. We thought that the reason was 'lack of algorithmes' issues.
But we get the following error now when connecting to those clients: "corrupted mac on input"

Here is our software log:
21/04/2023 11:04:43 | 4 | 1 |Working with wodSFTP.dll version
21/04/2023 11:05:44 | 4 | 1 |Attempt 1 of 3 for sending file by SFTP to xxxxxx failed: Corrupted MAC on input.
21/04/2023 11:06:45 | 4 | 1 |Attempt 2 of 3 for sending file by SFTP to xxxxxx failed: Corrupted MAC on input.
21/04/2023 11:07:46 | 4 | 1 |Error while sending file by SFTP (xxxxxx): Corrupted MAC on input.

Kind regards,

wodSFTP.NET - corrupted mac on input

by Jasmine, Friday, April 21, 2023, 13:26 (463 days ago) @ Jens Deblieck


hi. We need a way to duplicate this. Since connection was made, what is actually travelling over it makes no difference - it could be that after certain amount of data that is being sent this error appears.

But we need to run this in debug mode to tell you more. Can you send us a ticket about this with possible way to duplicate the issue?


wodSFTP.NET - Could not negotiate key exchange algorithm

by Jens Deblieck, Thursday, June 08, 2023, 15:02 (415 days ago) @ Jasmine

Dear Jasmine,

We now are getting "Could not negotiate key exchange algorithm."
It seems that our clients server uses the ssh-ed25519 host key encryption.

Is it possible to provide support for the ssh-ed25519 in the wodSFTP.net?

Kind regards,

wodSFTP.NET - Could not negotiate key exchange algorithm

by Jasmine, Thursday, June 08, 2023, 22:30 (414 days ago) @ Jens Deblieck

Hi Jens,

yes, we could add it. Please give us few days and it will be in wodSFTP.NET.


wodSFTP.NET - Could not negotiate key exchange algorithm

by Jasmine, Monday, June 12, 2023, 08:06 (411 days ago) @ Jens Deblieck


Can you try now with latest version 3.7.1? We have added support for ssh-ed25519.
