New Request to be sent to Localhost server - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

New Request to be sent to Localhost server (wodWebServer / wodWebServer.NET)

by Sendil, Monday, January 30, 2023, 13:22 (544 days ago)

Hi All

Need help sending/receiving a request to a local host machine with a particular port number.
For Example: our localhost URL be:http://localhost:9005/login.val. Login.val is the request.

New Request to be sent to Localhost server

by wodSupport, Monday, January 30, 2023, 13:42 (544 days ago) @ Sendil


Can you provide more info? What kind of request? What software are you using for it? What is on the server side, wodWebServer or wodWebServer.NET?


New Request to be sent to Localhost server

by Sendil, Tuesday, January 31, 2023, 07:42 (543 days ago) @ wodSupport


Can you provide more info? What kind of request? What software are you using for it? What is on the server side, wodWebServer or wodWebServer.NET?


Hi Jasmine
Thanks for your quick response.
We are working on Visual Basic 5.0 software.
wodWebServer ActiveX control is on the server side.
It can be either GET/POST request. The request is sent from a subroutine to be identified in the "RequestDone" server-side function.

Let us give the scenario.

I want to send a request from a login function/subroutine to my localhost server.

Sub Login()
<<Here I need to send a GET request to the server>>. I need an example to send the request to the server>>
end sub

Once, the request has been sent, I need to identify/catch the request sent in the RequestDone Server side function (As shown in the below snippet). The variable filename should interpret the request sent from the above login function. The variable filename should reflect something like "login".

Private Sub RequestDone(ByVal Owner As WODWEBSERVERCOMLib.IwodWebServerCom, ByVal User As WODWEBSERVERCOMLib.IWebUser)

filename = User.Request.pagename

End sub

Scenario 2:
We are working on one pen test item "Session Identifier Not Updated Upon Successful Login". We need to generate a new session once a user gets authenticated. In our current application,
when we route the URL let's say
http://localhost:9000" (A new session ID gets created, and the Login screen is shown)
When a user is authenticated after login, the session doesn't get changed but we need to generate a new session as per the pen test requirement.
Request to share an example for this scenario.

Thanks and Regards, Sendil

New Request to be sent to Localhost server

by wodSupport, Tuesday, January 31, 2023, 08:38 (543 days ago) @ Sendil


I still am not sure, when you say "I need to send a GET request", what sofware will you use to send HTTP requests (or HTTPS)?


New Request to be sent to Localhost server

by Sendil, Wednesday, February 01, 2023, 12:50 (542 days ago) @ wodSupport


I still am not sure, when you say "I need to send a GET request", what sofware will you use to send HTTP requests (or HTTPS)?


Hi Jasmine

Thanks for your quick reply

We are working with VisualBasic 5.0.
Requesting to share one example of how to send a GET/POST request from a visual basic application. How to interpret the request sent from the server side.

Thanks and Regards, Sendil

New Request to be sent to Localhost server

by wodSupport, Wednesday, February 01, 2023, 13:12 (542 days ago) @ Sendil


We can not help you with sending requests if you're using 3rd party tools.

You can try with wodHttpDLX, did you try that?

As for wodWebServer, did you check out RequestDone event in wodWebServer?


New Request to be sent to Localhost server

by Sendil, Monday, February 06, 2023, 13:42 (537 days ago) @ wodSupport

Hi Jasmine

Thanks again for your quick reply.

I am looking for an example of how to get/catch a request sent by a client machine within RequestDone event in wodwebserver.

Request to share a example how to send a request from a client machine and the same request to process within RequestDone event in wodwebs.

Thanks and Regards, Sendil


We can not help you with sending requests if you're using 3rd party tools.

You can try with wodHttpDLX, did you try that?

As for wodWebServer, did you check out RequestDone event in wodWebServer?


New Request to be sent to Localhost server

by wodSupport, Monday, February 06, 2023, 14:45 (537 days ago) @ Sendil


Not sure how to help here since what you're asking is so basic to wodWebServer.. Did you try our samples? Did you check the RequestDone event? Did you check what's inside Request and Response objects?

All of those samples are for the purpose you're asking for - demonstration of how wodWebServer works - so that would be the answer to your questions.


New Request to be sent to Localhost server

by Sendil, Wednesday, February 08, 2023, 13:43 (535 days ago) @ wodSupport


Not sure how to help here since what you're asking is so basic to wodWebServer.. Did you try our samples? Did you check the RequestDone event? Did you check what's inside Request and Response objects?

All of those samples are for the purpose you're asking for - demonstration of how wodWebServer works - so that would be the answer to your questions.


Hi Jasmine

Once again thanks for your response.
Our client uses wodWebServer to receive/send a request in one of their applications. We can detect the GET/POST request in the RequestDone Event. But, we are not sure of how they are constructing the request. Generally, they are constructing the request within HTML, somewhat complicated HTML pages.
I do understand it is a basic question. I have gone through the example provided on this website but have not been able to get the desired solution. Request to share the link of the example for the solution I have been looking for or provide one simple example showing how to construct a GET/POST Request and track those requests in the RequestDone Event.

Thanks for all your support.

Thanks and Regards, Sendil