Future? - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Future? (wodHttpDLX)

by Dirk, Monday, September 06, 2021, 16:45 (1055 days ago)


The wodHTTPDLX component is still "limited" to HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1.

HTTP/2.0 was introduced (on the RFC level) years ago and in the mean time we are almost near the official RFC for HTTP/3.0

Any thoughts on when/if wodHTTPDLX will support HTTP/2.0 and HTTP/3.0

Similar question for the support of TLS 1.3 for the HTTPS protocol for the wodHTTPDLX componenent.



by wodSupport, Monday, September 06, 2021, 21:38 (1055 days ago) @ Dirk


hi. At this time we have no ETA for any of those features you mention. HTTP/2 is quite different than HTTP/1 and it would mean to rewrite complete wodHttpDLX.

As for TLS1.3, depends on OpenSSL due to FIPS requirements we await.



The wodHTTPDLX component is still "limited" to HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1.

HTTP/2.0 was introduced (on the RFC level) years ago and in the mean time we are almost near the official RFC for HTTP/3.0

Any thoughts on when/if wodHTTPDLX will support HTTP/2.0 and HTTP/3.0

Similar question for the support of TLS 1.3 for the HTTPS protocol for the wodHTTPDLX componenent.
