Open SSL 1.1.1 (General questions)

by Mykola Melnyk @, (1379 days ago)

Is there some kind of a deadline when WeOnlyDo ActiveX components start supporting OpenSSL 1.1.1
(interested in SFTP, SSH components)?


Open SSL 1.1.1

by Jasmine, (1378 days ago) @ Mykola Melnyk


I'm not really sure why you need OpenSSL 1.1.1 for SSH/SFTP, since those protocols have nothing to do with SSL, so TLS1.3 which is major feature of 1.1.1 doesn't apply to SSH protocol. Can you please elaborate why you need OpenSSL 1.1.1?

As for when it will be supported - as soon as FIPS is available as 'drop in' DLL, as it is now with 1.0.2.

Hope this helps!


Open SSL 1.1.1

by Mykola Melnyk @, (1378 days ago) @ Jasmine

Thank you for your quick response.

Our concern originates from the known list of vulnerabilities in OpenSSL 1.0.x. Numerous customers of our company prefer to consume products based on OpenSSL 1.1.1 even before FIPS support is provided. Though the best solution is still both OpenSSL 1.1.1 and FIPS in one bucket.
As far as we access OpenSSL functionalities mainly through WeOnlyDo libraries that's the reason why I raise the issue.

Thank you


Open SSL 1.1.1

by Jasmine, (1378 days ago) @ Mykola Melnyk


hi. Can you point to the list of vulnerability that concern crypto algorithms that are used, not the SSL/TLS layer itself which we don't use? If it's something to be fixed ASAP we'll be happy to know about it.

We'lre also for 1.1.1 (in other products mainly) but FIPS is more important at this time.



Open SSL 1.1.1

by Jasmine, (1378 days ago) @ Mykola Melnyk


But, that is for TLS protocol. We don't implement or use SSL/TLS in SSH protocol. We use only OpenSSL's crypto libraries. This doesn't apply in any way to SSH protocol.

