Incorrect error when disk full - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Incorrect error when disk full (wodSmtpServer / wodPop3Server / wodImapServer)

by Bill Brown, Thursday, May 16, 2019, 16:38 (1899 days ago)

I am using a product that incorporates the WeOnlyDo SMTP server to receive incoming emails. If the disk is full, a 550 permanent error is returned, instead of a 452, insufficient system storage error. This was in the original RFC 821.

Is there a configuration file that can be changed? Vendor is blaming Google and says there is nothing that can be done.

Incorrect error when disk full

by Jasmine, Thursday, May 16, 2019, 17:02 (1899 days ago) @ Bill Brown


There is no configuration or property in wodSmtpServer for such a feature. We could double-check all WriteFile API calls and if returned error is 'insufficient storage' we could return soft fail.

Let me send this to developers for possible fix.


Incorrect error when disk full

by Jasmine, Thursday, May 16, 2019, 23:00 (1898 days ago) @ Bill Brown


I just checked, we do not send out error at all, we silently ignore unsuccessful write to disk.

BTW we can only help out with wodSmtpServer component - not the application that is using it, so developer that is using our product should contact us directly if there are possible issues found.
