"Property Width does not exist" wodSFTP error (General questions)
by OvidiuC, Tuesday, February 28, 2017, 10:10 (2879 days ago)
I installed wodSFTP Client 3.8.3 licensed version.
I tried to open one existing project build with wodSFTP but I had the error: “Error reading wodSFTP1.With: Property Width does not exist. Ignore the error and continue?”. If I chose “Ignore” I have the error: “Error reading wodSFTP1.Heigh: Property Heigh does not exist. Ignore the error and continue?”. If I chose “Ignore” again I have the error: “Error reading wodSFTP1.ControlData: Property ControlData does not exist. Ignore the error and continue?”. If I chose “Ignore” again the project opens, I can build the executable file, but if I try to execute it, I have the error: “Class not registered, ClassID: {…}”.
I tried to run the WeOnlyDo/Samples/Delfi6/ActiveX/1.Simple/Project1 project, but I have the same comportment.
It’s possible that the wodSFTP.ocx isn’t complete or is corrupted?
Best regards,
"Property Width does not exist" wodSFTP error
by Jasmine, Tuesday, February 28, 2017, 10:12 (2879 days ago) @ OvidiuC
Hi Ovidiu.
wodSFTP OCX really don't have these properties (Width, Height, Left, Top...), since it's windowless add-on, they are added by your development environment. I am not sure why your environment complains about it, but I can only suggest you remove it from your form, and then add back to the project, and it should work.
Can you try that?
As for ControlData - that's not ours also, I personally never encountered it. I suspect Delphi stores some component related data to it.
Kind regards,
"Property Width does not exist" wodSFTP error
by OvidiuC, Tuesday, February 28, 2017, 10:19 (2879 days ago) @ Jasmine
OK. I’ll try to do that.
With the trial version of wodSFTP ActiveX component installed on another PC, this work perfectly.
Best regards,
"Property Width does not exist" wodSFTP error
by Jasmine, Tuesday, February 28, 2017, 10:20 (2879 days ago) @ OvidiuC
when you switch from trial to licensed version with OCX, make sure you remove and add-back the component, since property bag may be slightly changed between these two variations - enough for environment to complain.
"Property Width does not exist" wodSFTP error
by OvidiuC, Tuesday, February 28, 2017, 11:16 (2879 days ago) @ Jasmine
I started the old project ignoring the Width, Heigth and ControlData errors, I removed the wodSFTP object and I added a new wodSFTP object. I build the exe file but when I try o execute I have the error: “Class not registered, ClassID: {6795FA0F-35C3-4BEB-B3AA-F19DB0B228EA}”.
I also copied the contents of WeOnlyDo/Samples/Delfi6/ActiveX/1.Simple/Project1 (samples delivered in wodSFTP) in another directory. I started de Project1.dpr ignoring the Width, Heigth and ControlData errors, I removed the wodSFTP object and I added a new wodSFTP object. I build the exe file but when I try o execute I have exactly the same error: “Class not registered, ClassID: {6795FA0F-35C3-4BEB-B3AA-F19DB0B228EA}”.
Best regards,
"Property Width does not exist" wodSFTP error
by Jasmine, Tuesday, February 28, 2017, 11:17 (2879 days ago) @ OvidiuC
ok, so question is - is class really registered? Do you have wodSFTP.ocx in SYSWOW64 and did you 'regsvr32' on it?
"Property Width does not exist" wodSFTP error
by OvidiuC, Tuesday, February 28, 2017, 11:39 (2879 days ago) @ Jasmine
I only installed the downloaded wodSFTP.exe without 'regsrv32' on it.
The wodSFTP.ocx file exists in c:\Windows\SysWOW64 directory:
c:\Windows\SysWOW64>dir wod*
Volume in drive C is System
Volume Serial Number is E475-0971
Directory of c:\Windows\SysWOW64
02/16/2017 11:34 AM 1,125,104 wodKeys.dll
02/16/2017 11:34 AM 1,764,096 wodKeys64.dll
02/16/2017 04:46 PM 1,390,880 wodSFTP.dll
02/16/2017 04:46 PM 1,448,224 wodSFTP.ocx
02/16/2017 04:46 PM 2,122,040 wodSFTP64.dll
02/16/2017 04:46 PM 2,196,280 wodSFTP64.ocx
6 File(s) 10,046,624 bytes
0 Dir(s) 409,102,508,032 bytes free
Do I need to do 'regsvr32.exe /s wodSFTP.ocx' after the install?
Best regards,
"Property Width does not exist" wodSFTP error
by Jasmine, Tuesday, February 28, 2017, 13:22 (2879 days ago) @ OvidiuC
that's it, just installing through our EXE package should work and register them correctly. Are both licenses - on your development PC and on distribution PC? You're not mixing DEMO and licensed, right?
If you, for a test, try to run your app with ' Run As Administrator', does it perhaps change anything?
"Property Width does not exist" wodSFTP error
by OvidiuC, Tuesday, February 28, 2017, 14:01 (2879 days ago) @ Jasmine
I don't mix demo and licensed software on the same PC. I worked on another PC with demo version, just to wait the license. Now I have the license, I installed the software, but I cannot work with the licensed version of wodSFTP.
I already tried to run the application as ' Run As Administrator', but I had the same comportment.
I found in the Unit1.dfm from WeOnlyDo/Samples/Delfi6/ActiveX/1.Simple/Project1 the following sequence:
object wodSFTP1: TwodSFTP
Left = 192
Top = 56
Width = 32
Height = 32
OnConnected = wodSFTP1Connected
OnDisconnected = wodSFTP1Disconnected
OnListItems = wodSFTP1ListItems
OnDone = wodSFTP1Done
ControlData = {
If I ignore the errors and I remove and after that I add wodSFTP1 object, the Width, Height and ControlData properties disappears from Unit1.dfm
Best regards
"Property Width does not exist" wodSFTP error
by Jasmine, Tuesday, February 28, 2017, 14:37 (2879 days ago) @ OvidiuC
one more important thing. When you got licensed component, did you reimport it into delphi and recompiled dclusr32?
"Property Width does not exist" wodSFTP error
by OvidiuC, Tuesday, February 28, 2017, 15:01 (2879 days ago) @ Jasmine
I imported wodSFTP.ocx in Rad Studio 10.1 Berlin, but I don't know what "recompiled dclusr32" means.
Best regards,
"Property Width does not exist" wodSFTP error
by Jasmine, Tuesday, February 28, 2017, 15:02 (2879 days ago) @ OvidiuC
you imported it after you installed licensed version, right?
When you import it, I assume it offered to recompile the newly created delphi user package?
"Property Width does not exist" wodSFTP error
by OvidiuC, Tuesday, February 28, 2017, 15:32 (2879 days ago) @ Jasmine
Yes, I imported wodSFTP.ocx in RAD Studio after the install of licensed version.
RAD Studio automatically creates the files wodSFTPLib_TLB.pas and wodSFTPLib_TLB.bpl
After that I can compile the project, it compiles fine, but I have the “Class not registered, ClassID: {6795FA0F-35C3-4BEB-B3AA-F19DB0B228EA}” error.
The same operations I’ve made with non-licensed version of wodSFTP and it’s worked.
Best regards,
"Property Width does not exist" wodSFTP error
by Jasmine, Tuesday, February 28, 2017, 16:02 (2879 days ago) @ OvidiuC
honestly I have no idea what is going on. Can you please ZIP this EXE and send it to techsupport - at - weonlydo.com and we'll try to run it here.
"Property Width does not exist" wodSFTP error
by OvidiuC, Tuesday, February 28, 2017, 16:17 (2879 days ago) @ Jasmine
The mail is sent.
Best regards
"Property Width does not exist" wodSFTP error
by Jasmine, Tuesday, February 28, 2017, 16:31 (2879 days ago) @ OvidiuC
nothing arrived yet. Are you sure you've sent it to techsupport email?
"Property Width does not exist" wodSFTP error
by OvidiuC, Tuesday, February 28, 2017, 19:02 (2879 days ago) @ Jasmine
I resented it from my personal email address. The mail sent from my work email address was blocked by the server, accusing the sent of an executable file.
Best regards,
"Property Width does not exist" wodSFTP error
by Jasmine, Tuesday, February 28, 2017, 19:50 (2879 days ago) @ OvidiuC
Hi Ovidiu.
We don't have such blocks or filters on our server, and I don't see any emails related to this issue. Are you sure you have sent it to techsupport - at - weonlydo.com ?
"Property Width does not exist" wodSFTP error
by OvidiuC, Wednesday, March 01, 2017, 10:12 (2878 days ago) @ Jasmine
I think I found from were the problem arrive.
On another PC, I have the trial version of wodSFTP ActiveX component installed. On this PC, from RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin (DELPHI environment), I select Component -> Import Component… -> check Import ActiveX Control -> Next>> ===> I found in opened list the C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\wodSFTP.ocx file, with the description WeOnlyDo ! COM SFT Client ActiveX Control. I imported this software and I can use it.
If I select Component -> Import Component… -> check Import a Type Library -> Next>> ===> I found in opened list 3 wod files:
- C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\wodSFTP.ocx
- C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\wodSFTP.dll
- C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\wodKeys.dll
On the PC where I installed the licensed wodSFTP ActiveX component I don’t find any file when I check Import ActiveX Control. If I search and I add manually the C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\wodSFTP.ocx file I receive the error “Error loading type library wodSFTPLib (Version 1.0)”
If I select Component -> Import Component… -> check Import a Type Library -> Next>> ===> I found in opened list 3 wod files:
- C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\wodSFTP.ocx
- C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\wodSFTP.dll
- C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\wodKeys.dll
I imported the C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\wodSFTP.ocx as a Type Library (on the PC with licensed wodSFTP ActiveX component) and I tried to use it, but I had the error for that I wrote this topic.
It seems that Embarcadero don’t see the C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\wodSFTP.ocx as a valid ActiveX component, by I don’t understand why.
On the PC with the licensed version of wodSFTP ActiveX component (wodSFTP.exe), previously was installed a licensed wodSFTPdll client API library (wodSFTPdll.exe).
Unfortunately the trial license expired on the other PC, so I cannot try to import the C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\wodSFTP.ocx as a Type Library to see if I have the same error.
Best regards
"Property Width does not exist" wodSFTP error
by Jasmine, Wednesday, March 01, 2017, 11:10 (2878 days ago) @ OvidiuC
if DEMO license has expired, just download it again and try it out.
One more thing to try. Try to open wodSFTP.OCX from SYSTEM32, not SYSWOW64. Does that perhaps help? Maybe x86 process sees it as in SYSTEM32?
Make sure they are registered on the system, either using our installer, or using REGSVR32. In both cases it should be done with 'Run as Administrator' privileges.
"Property Width does not exist" wodSFTP error
by OvidiuC, Wednesday, March 01, 2017, 12:47 (2878 days ago) @ Jasmine
Operation 1: I tried to import the file C:\WINDOWS\system32\wodSFTP.ocx but I received the error: “Error accessing OLE registry”.
Operation 2: I opened a cmd window with ‘Run as Administrator' privileges.
In C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64 I launched the command 'regsvr32.exe /s wodSFTP.ocx' command.
From RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin, I selected Component -> Import Component… -> check Import ActiveX Control -> Next>> ===> now I found in opened list the C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\wodSFTP.ocx file, with the description WeOnlyDo ! COM SFT Client ActiveX Control. I imported this software.
I tried to open the project with RAD Studio but I have an error: “Error creating form: License information for TwodSFTP not found. You cannot use this control in design mode.”
Operation 3: I uninstalled the wodSFTP, I erased the folder c:\Program Files\WeOnlyDo.Com and I reinstalled the product.
I tried to import again the product as ActiveX Control, now I see the C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\wodSFTP.ocx file, but when I try to generate it I have a WeOnlyDo pop-up who told me that the license key is not valid.
When I reinstalled, he already knows the serial number.
Question 1:How to completely remove wodSFTP?
Question 2: How can I check that the license is valid?
Best regards,
"Property Width does not exist" wodSFTP error
by Jasmine, Wednesday, March 01, 2017, 12:50 (2878 days ago) @ OvidiuC
Hi Ovidiu,
you can uninstall wodSFTP regularly from 'add/remove programs' assuming it's installed through our package.
If you copied it to destination machine, you cannot use it there in desing mode, not even if you used regsvr32.
To remove it fully manually, you shold run as administrator
regsvr32 /u wodSFTP.ocx
regsvr32 /u wodSFTP.dll
I think you're having problems since you mixed many variations of DEMO and licensed versions, and tried to run licensed ones in design mode on PC where you didn't install it using our setup package and did not provide a license key during installation. OCX is very sensitive on this, since it depends on your environment (Delphi) to properly license it based on key you entered during installation.
"Property Width does not exist" wodSFTP error
by OvidiuC, Wednesday, March 01, 2017, 14:46 (2878 days ago) @ Jasmine
Finally, it’s work!
1) I uninstalled the wodSFTP ActiveX component.
2) I reinstall it with ‘Run as Administrator' privileges.
3) I started the RAD Studio with ‘Run as Administrator' privileges.
4) I imported the C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\wodSFTP.ocx as ActiveX component
5) I opened the old project in RAD Studio.
6) I deleted the wodSFTP object
7) I recreated the wodSFTP object
8) I build the application file
9) I transferred the application file and the C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\wodSFTP.ocx on the destination machine (WINDOWS 7 operating system)
10) I copied wodSFTP.ocx in C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64
11) I installed wodSFTP.ocx with regsvr32 /s wodSFTP.ocx command
12) I started the application and it’s work
Thanks again for your advices.
Best regards,