wodVPN - No Ip address for vpn adapter - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

wodVPN - No Ip address for vpn adapter (General questions)

by jsnip4, Thursday, April 02, 2015, 15:44 (3404 days ago)

When I use your sample VB.Net project on 2 remote computers, I am able to get them to connect and send text messages back and forth, but I do not see an IP address being assigned for either of those computer's vpn adapter.

I gave them both a static IP address: and When I connect, it is still successful but I cannot ping either of those IP addresses from the other computer.

How is it that I am able to connect and send text messages but I cannot ping those IP addresses from each computer? (Windows firewall is off for both of the PCs)

Also, if I leave those vpn adapters set to dhcp, they always have the typical 169.254.x.x address and even then, I can still connect and send text messages, but I cannot ping each computer from the other. I also cannot ping the WAN ip address on each of these PC's routers. The WAN IPs are what I am using in the settings to connect the computers to each other so I know that is correct because it works.

I'm trying to use remote desktop or UltraVNC but I can't understand how this is working without any IP addresses. The only thing I am allowed to do right now is connect and send text messages.

I am using the trial verison of your software.

wodVPN - No Ip address for vpn adapter

by Jasmine, Thursday, April 02, 2015, 15:59 (3404 days ago) @ jsnip4


You should set static IP addresses and correct netmasks on both adapters.

Make sure you set wodVPN.VPNInterfaces(xyz).RedirectActive = true

before you connect with remote, otherwise packets are not redirected. 'xyz' should be ID of the adapter you're using.

If you can open VB6 sample, it has that covered in that sample.

Kind regards,

wodVPN - No Ip address for vpn adapter

by jsnip4, Thursday, April 02, 2015, 19:35 (3403 days ago) @ Jasmine

I can now ping and I can use UltraVNC but when I use Windows Remote Desktop, it connects but then I get a black screen and then the VPN quits working and I have to reconnect on both computers. I have a command button that runs that code that you replied with because sometimes that function quits working and I can just click my button to run that code again and it starts pinging each other again. Sometimes it doesn't work and I have to stop the VPN and start the connection all over on both ends. It seems that Remote Desktop is what causes this problem as UltraVNC seems to work.

wodVPN - No Ip address for vpn adapter

by Jasmine, Thursday, April 02, 2015, 20:54 (3403 days ago) @ jsnip4


I cannot be sure why RDP doesn't work, but I remember we did have issues like that before. Are you running it on server or workstation computer? If it's a workstation, perhaps Windows freezes all processes that belong to running desktop - and thus wodVPN freezes too?


wodVPN - No Ip address for vpn adapter

by jsnip4, Thursday, April 02, 2015, 21:22 (3403 days ago) @ Jasmine

Both computers are windows 7 desktop PCs.

wodVPN - No Ip address for vpn adapter

by Jasmine, Thursday, April 02, 2015, 21:33 (3403 days ago) @ jsnip4


Ok, in that case when RDP is active, it's possible Windows 7 workstation disables desktop of logged-on user (where wodVPN is running) so it cannot receive windows messages - thus wodVPN cannot process them. This could explain why you get only black screen.


wodVPN - No Ip address for vpn adapter

by jsnip4, Sunday, April 05, 2015, 19:27 (3400 days ago) @ Jasmine

I tested this on a Windows 2003 server today and I was able to connect to it from my windows 7 machine and used remote desktop.

I tried again on a windows 2008 machine and another windows 7 machine and had the same problem as before which is as soon as the desktop is about to show, it goes black and the connection drops.

So far I only have 2003 server working but I need to test on windows xp because I think it will work there too.

Problem is new operating systems. Can you guys test with your computers to see if this issue exists for you?

wodVPN - No Ip address for vpn adapter

by Jasmine, Tuesday, April 07, 2015, 20:58 (3398 days ago) @ jsnip4


As I suggested on the ticket, only thing that seems to work is to run application as one user (that never uses RDP), such as Administrator, and then connect with other users. THis worked for us in Windows 2008. Seems that application windows message processing stops during the logon process, and everything stops in our sample app.

Or, you can switch to devP2P (http://devp2p.com) which is also our product, newer, and based on wodVPN (but not compatible directly).

Kind regards,