Redirecting Problem on WebSockets - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Redirecting Problem on WebSockets (wodVPN)

by uzuner, Tuesday, January 21, 2014, 23:21 (4012 days ago) @ wodDrazen


I'm using WodVPN's own sample on tests and only I add this for MTU tests;

procedure TForm1.Button6Click(Sender: TObject);
  wodVPN1.MTU := StrToInt(Edit11.Text);

I know everything is correct on WodVPN configuration because I use Indy TCPServer/TCPClient like this and Indy works correct.

WebSockets (IPWorks and Esegece) works very well when I'm not using forwarding port to other peer with channels on WodVPN.

But WebSockets and WodVPN Channels not working together and WebSocket Client says "Connection Refused" everytime.

I'm trying all peers on same computer (local) and I have no firewall or another restriction object.

All peers find the other peer on and there is no problem on find, connect or send somethink on WodVPN.

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