Re: Attempted to read or write protected memory. - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: Attempted to read or write protected memory. (General questions)

by Paul, Monday, December 16, 2013, 16:06 (3783 days ago) @ wodDamir

I've got the same problem using SFTP

This is with blocking as true - if false, it hangs at the var km = new KeyManager(); stage.

This scenario is running through this code from 4 projects, at the same time.

Thanks, Paul

this.sftp = new SFTP();

this.sftp.ProgressEvent += sftp_ProgressEvent;
this.sftp.DoneEvent += sftp_DoneEvent;

this.sftp.Hostname = FtpAddress;
this.sftp.Login = FtpUserName;
this.sftp.Blocking = true;
this.sftp.Resume = true;

var km = new KeyManager();
var type = km.Load(FtpKeyLocation);

this.sftp.PrivateKey = km.PrivateKey(type);
this.sftp.Authentication = SFTP.Authentications.PublicKey;


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