localhost: timeout occured due to inactivity - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

localhost: timeout occured due to inactivity (wodSFTP / wodSFTP.NET / wodSFTPdll)

by ako, Wednesday, June 05, 2013, 14:23 (3971 days ago)

I trying to connect to my local Core FTP mini-sftp-server .

Using WinSCP it's no problem but using wodSFT.NET gives me a

- timeout occured due to inactivity Exception.

- have also tried setting Timeout to 0
- have tried with and without proxy settings but localhost should not require a proxy (WinSCP does not rquire it too)

sftp = new SFTP();
sftp.LicenseKey = XXXXXXXX ;
sftp.Hostname = this.GetParamValue(Hostname);
sftp.Login= this.GetParamValue(Login);
sftp.Password = this.GetParamValue(Password);
sftp.Timeout = 30;
sftp.Port = 22;

sftp.Blocking = true;

Please help ! Thanks.

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