Unable to perform certain tasks against a Globalsc - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Unable to perform certain tasks against a Globalsc (wodSFTP / wodSFTP.NET / wodSFTPdll)

by kdcarlisle, Saturday, April 06, 2013, 06:42 (4031 days ago)

We have an automated job that is trying to upload an encrypted file to a Globalscape (3.3.7) server over SFTP. The job runs and everything looks OK, however when we log into the site (using WinSCP or Filezilla), we do not see a file. We use this same process to upload files to other sites without issue. While logged into with WinSCP or Filezilla we can upload a file and we will be able to see it.

I wrote a new test console to go through the various tasks and found that an error is thrown when trying to use the following methods:


Each of these methods will throw Error Code: 550 (Server returned an error: No such file or folder).

We are currently using version, but I have tried the same test with the following versions:


They all produced the same error.

Is this a possible bug in the component or is it a security/permission/configuration issue on the Globalscape server?

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