Re: ftp user ssl - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: ftp user ssl (General questions)

by Ed Weijma, Monday, May 14, 2012, 14:00 (4374 days ago) @ wodDamir

Hello Damba,

Thanx for replying so fast.

I am not sure that I must use Implicit SSL. I Think that you mean port 990? I can connect to the client by using a gui and there I use port 990. Must I use another port in the script?

I have tried setting protocol 2 and 3 but I get the same result.

We use in all our scripts quoted strings and it works. So everytime we create a new script we use the same parameters.

Your last question in your reply, you refer to the authentication property? We use this property for ftp for SSH, but the use of ftp for SSL is new to us. I must use the certificate and private key. I need those two files also in het gui.


Are you sure that you need to use Implicit SSL at all? Please try setting Protocol to 2 or 3.

Also, Protocol, Port and Passive properties don't require quote characters. They aren't String type, so quotes shouldn't be used. You should either specify them as integer, boolean, or they're respective enumeration values.

One more thing. Are you sure that you even need certificate authentication at all?


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