Error storing file message - FTP Simplicit Unable - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Error storing file message - FTP Simplicit Unable (wodFtpDLX / wodFtpDLX.NET)

by KenHarvey, Wednesday, December 14, 2011, 03:40 (4518 days ago)

I am unable to upload files after connecting following error message in subject. I am also not sure where the erroneous CWD command is coming form, but the process recovers

CuteFTP is able to connect and upload files after connecting using FTP with TLS/SSL (Auth TLS - Explicit) Port 2190.

Session Log:

08:17:32 PM FEAT Extensions supported
08:17:32 PM PWD /CARD-5497RP
08:17:32 PM PROT P PROT: data channel in PROTECTED mode
08:17:32 PM STATECHANGE to Connected to server - idle (from Sending authentication data)
08:17:32 PM Connected to remote folder: /CARD-TO-FDC.
08:17:39 PM Copy /CARD-TO-FDC/NA_20111213191748.CMRD9RSP.OUT
08:17:39 PM STATECHANGE to Setting transfer mode (from Connected to server - idle)
08:17:39 PM TYPE I Transfer Mode: BINARY
08:17:39 PM STATECHANGE to Changing current directory (from Setting transfer mode)
08:17:39 PM CWD /CARD-TO-FDC/NA_20111213191748.CMRD9RSP.OUT ERROR: CWD Invalid Directory
08:17:39 PM STATECHANGE to Sending data to server (from Changing current directory)
08:17:39 PM STATECHANGE to Getting secondary data channel (from Sending data to server)
08:17:39 PM PASV Entering PASV Mode (216,66,216,10,78,91)
08:17:39 PM STATECHANGE to Sending data to server (from Getting secondary data channel)
08:17:39 PM STOR NA_20111213191748.CMRD9RSP.OUT Connecting Data Port...
08:17:45 PM STOR NA_20111213191748.CMRD9RSP.OUT ERROR: storing file: NA_20111213191748.CMRD9RSP.OUT Unable to obtain MessageId from server to Mailbox: [CARD-TO-FDC]
08:17:45 PM STATECHANGE to Connected to server - idle (from Sending data to server)
08:18:02 PM ERROR: storing file: NA_20111213191748.CMRD9RSP.OUT Unable to obtain MessageId from server to Mailbox: [CARD-TO-FDC]
08:18:03 PM DONE:
08:18:03 PM STATECHANGE to Disconnecting from server (from Connected to server - idle)
08:18:03 PM QUIT GoodBye
08:18:24 PM STATECHANGE to Disconnected from server (from Disconnecting from server)
08:18:24 PM DISCONNECTED Timeout occured due to inactivity

Complete thread: