SFTP Connection Hangs - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

SFTP Connection Hangs (General questions)

by David Pearson, Thursday, December 01, 2011, 17:23 (4538 days ago)


We're using the FtpDLX class to connect to an SFTP server. We have Blocking set to true so that we can wait for the Connect method to finish.

We're finding that this hangs and never returns. The only fix is to restart the app. We suspect that at this time there was some disruption to the network (i'm not sure exactly what this was).

I've done some googling and came across this earlier forum discussion (http://www.weonlydo.com/index.asp?forum=1&action=view&topic=1147454737#1147454737). Was this ever resolved?

Many thanks,

David Pearson
C# Developer at GMSL

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