Re: Trying to PutFiles to a remote site - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: Trying to PutFiles to a remote site (General questions)

by scot styer, Monday, April 25, 2011, 15:42 (4772 days ago) @ woddrazen

what I'd really like to do, is execute a single putfiles
but... I'm having trouble trying to determine
where I can execute my disconnect
once all the files have been sent


You are using only Connected and Done Event when you execute PutFiles Method?

What happens if you add this code inside LoopError Event
[code]ErrorCode = 0[/code]
When you execute PutFile you cannot call multiple PutFile Methods from inside Connected Event.

What you can try is to use blocking mode (Blocking Property set to True) and execute commands just after Connect Method.

In that case you should remove code from wodFtpDLX Events. In blocking mode component will go to next line only when he finished with execution of previous line.

Other option is to call PutFile inside Done Event. So when one file is uploaded (PutFile is finished) Done Event will be fired and you can execute next PutFile Method.


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