StateChange Event - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

StateChange Event (General questions)

by Robert, Monday, January 31, 2005, 19:14 (7033 days ago)

Your state change event isn't notifying me of Disconnects. Probably isn't notifying me of lots of other stuff too but... Disconnects is my current concern. Here is my code:
Private Sub wodFTP_StateChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As AxwodFTPDLib._IwodFTPDEvents_StateChangedEvent) Handles wodFTP.StateChanged
Dim cStates() As String = { Disconnected. , Connecting. , Encrypting. , Login in Progress. , Connected , Setting Data channel , Connecting Data Channel , Listing. , Downloading. , Uploading. }
tbStatus.AppendText(e.user.Login & *: & cStates(e.newState) & ControlChars.NewLine)
End Sub
I have also writen some code attatched to the Disconnected Event this also isn't working. Code:
Private Sub wodFTP_Disconnected(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As AxwodFTPDLib._IwodFTPDEvents_DisconnectedEvent) Handles wodFTP.Disconnected
Dim t As DataTable = dsActiveUsers.Client
Dim strExpr As String = User_Name = & e.user.Login
Dim FoundRows() As DataRow = t.Select(strExpr)
tbStatus.AppendText( User: & e.user.Login & disconnecting. & ControlChars.NewLine)
'Dim row As FTPServ.dsActiveUsers.ClientRow = CType(System.Data.DataRow, dsActiveUsers.Client.Select(strExpr)
End Sub

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