Re: Posting forms - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: Posting forms (General questions)

by nova, Sunday, January 23, 2005, 15:47 (7041 days ago) @ wodSupport

Thanks for your quick reply!

I think that i should be able to work out what i want from the details you have given, thanks a lot.

I have just one other question, that i hope you can help me with.

Whilst testing what i want to do i am just using hotmail as an example, and am loading it up getting bounced about (load balancers etc) til i end up at the login screen which the url for is

The problem is that it is always returning an error Host not found. when i try to load that url, which after some investigation seems to be because I am not accepting the cookies.

I tried adding something like this to the IwodHttpNotify_HeadersDone:

For Each oldcookie In httpx.Response.Cookies
If InStr(httpx.Request.Cookies.ToString, oldcookie.Name) = 0 Then
httpx.Request.Cookies.Add oldcookie.Name, oldcookie.Value
End If

which is simply looking if the cookie name exists, and if not adding it to the requst object from the response object. but after some more communication the request object seems to lose the cookies, and ends up as a null string. Is there a reason for this, as i cannot find it in your documentation. And all the forms i wish to use this dll on use a cookie authentication method just like this example.

Thanks again in advance, just dont want to speand $400 and not be able to use the dll if you understand what i mean.


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