Re: File doesn't get transmitted using upload a - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: File doesn't get transmitted using upload a (General questions)

by Kamal, Tuesday, January 04, 2005, 13:41 (7060 days ago) @ Kamal

I’ve added a Blocking = true and the following error came up:

AN unhandled exception of type ‘System.exception’ occurred in weonlydo.client.sftp.dll

Additional info: Server returned an error: General failure

Then I put the putFile method call in a try-catch block and the following error came up:

System.Exception: Server returned an error: General failure
at n.aa()
at n.t()
at n.d(String A_0)
at n.d(String A_0, String A_1)
at WeOnlyDo.Client.SFTP.PutFile(String LocalFile, String RemotePath)
at 3.CS_Upload_and_Download.Form1.button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) in c:program etc… sample.cs:line 366

which is the line of:
sftp1.PutFile(textBox5.Text, textBox6.Text);

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