Re: Buffer Size Command Hanging - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: Buffer Size Command Hanging (General questions)

by mmorton, Wednesday, July 08, 2009, 12:54 (5398 days ago) @ wodDamir

No this just gives error messages for different reasons.

This isnt really solution but a workaround which just causes other problems which I cant work out a logical way round it.

Surely the regex expression should return the same result as a normal WaitFor expression without regex.

sshConnection.Execute( show * /identifier & vbCrLf, regex: & vbCrLf, 30)
sshConnection.Execute( show * /identifier & vbCrLf, vbCrLf, 30)

These are the same commands and should produce the same output/desired effect.

Command 1 - In the buffer it now looks like this
Command 2 - In the buffer it now looks like this

Isnt the regex expression meant to produce the same results?

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