Re: FTPS Certificate authentication without passwo - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: FTPS Certificate authentication without passwo (General questions)

by tamilarasan, Thursday, May 07, 2009, 14:30 (5461 days ago) @ wodDamir

Hi Damba,

Yes Certificate authentication is enabled on the server, and also its loaded on server.

While creating certificate(self signed certificate) using coreFTP server it is creating two files 00000001.p12 and 00000001.cer.
If we are using 00000001.p12 file to load as a certificate it is asking password and It is throwing error The specified network password is not correct.
If we are using 00000001.cer file to load as a certificate , it is asking private key. But it is null so it is throwing error Failed to import private key.

Please help us to overcome this issue.


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