Re: Relay Error.. (never ending story..) - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: Relay Error.. (never ending story..) (General questions)

by Amedeo, Wednesday, May 06, 2009, 01:26 (5477 days ago) @ wodDamir

Does every relay fail on that machine, or only to certain recepients?
If so, can you send me a working relay transcript?

Sorry for the long wait.. but i didn't saw the 2nd page of the forum post :-)

There is no logical scheme in the failures.. the relays fail randomly.
The only thing i've noticed is that some messages (body) persist in failing if i resent them exactly the same, if i change something in the body (so the single message is shorter or longer) tipically the relay succeeds.

I use SSL/TLS trasmission for relay (as you can see in the transcript in my previous message) and i've noticed there is a new relase 2.3.5 which updates the OpenSSL component. It's a simple update or a fix ? ..i'm asking that because i was thinking about a possible broken SSL trasmission ?!? :-) (i know.. i'm desperate) :-)
My subscription is expired so i cannot test the 2.3.5 .. do you think the upgrade could help me?

You ask me a working relay transcript .. obviosly it is 'working' so it is absolutely 'normal'.. so useless to diagnosis (also consider thet is SSL/TSL coded). Trust me .. i've analyzed tons of them (and i've succesfully re-sent tons of them directly in telnet).
There is nothing wrong in the email fomat (headers or body).. is something at a lower level (winsocks, timeouts.. i don't know!)


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