Re: Multi-Threaded 'Get - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: Multi-Threaded 'Get (General questions)

by ActiveGreg, Friday, February 27, 2009, 02:29 (5544 days ago) @ ActiveGreg


Another question...

I'm assuming I can get notified in IwodHttpNotify_Disconnected when a thread is available for reuse...

Say I have an array of 3, http1(2), and I have 9 sites....

I do the first three gets in my loop and I guess set up a second loop to poll and reuse threads until I've done all 9 gets?

Is this how it's done or is there some other accepted method of handling the polling to determine when to launch the next thread until all 'Gets' have been executed?

Could you provide a quick example/snippet of what's an accepted method in using 'IwodHttpNotify'.




I just downloaded and installed 1.6.1 and saw it there...

I really appreciate your help and your getting back to me quickly on this as well as your follow through...

Thanks again,



Yes, it's implemented already. You should find Tag property under the main wodHttpDLX object.


Complete thread: