ERROR: SSL handshake failed: DH lib - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

ERROR: SSL handshake failed: DH lib (wodWebServer / wodWebServer.NET)

by mark, Friday, January 23, 2009, 23:45 (5579 days ago)


I am having a problem with an SSL handshake. The error only happens when I try to goto the website thru a socks4 proxy. It connects to the proxy. Sends the first packet and recieves the Z responce. When it tries to send the first packet that it would normally do when just connecting to the server it will respond with 'SSL handshake failed: DHlib' Here is the code I am using. I am using vb6.

frmMain.wodSSL(Index).ProxyHostname = sHTTP(Index).sProxyHost
frmMain.wodSSL(Index).ProxyPort = sHTTP(Index).iProxyPort
frmMain.wodSSL(Index).ProxyType = ProxySocks4
frmMain.wodSSL(Index).ProxyAuthentication = AuthNone

frmMain.wodSSL(Index).Request.Headers.Add Host , sHTTP(Index).sHOST
frmMain.wodSSL(Index).HostName = sHTTP(Index).sHOST

frmMain.wodSSL(Index).Secure = ProtTLS1

frmMain.wodSSL(Index).AutoRedirect = False
frmMain.wodSSL(Index).HTTPversion = HTTP/1.1

frmMain.wodSSL(Index).Request.URI = sHTTP(Index).sURL '/get.php

If sHTTP(Index).sAccept > Then frmMain.wodSSL(Index).Request.Accept = sHTTP(Index).sAccept

If sHTTP(Index).sPOST > Then
frmMain.wodSSL(Index).Request.Headers.Add Content-Type , application/x-www-form-urlencoded
frmMain.wodSSL(Index).Request.Body = sHTTP(Index).sPOST
End If

frmMain.wodSSL(Index).Request.UserAgent = sHTTP(Index).sUserAgent
If sHTTP(Index).sReferer > Then frmMain.wodSSL(Index).Request.Referer = sHTTP(Index).sReferer
If sHTTP(Index).sCookie > Then frmMain.wodSSL(Index).Request.Headers.Add Cookie , sHTTP(Index).sCookie

frmMain.wodSSL(Index).Request.Headers.Add Connection , Close
frmMain.wodSSL(Index).KeepAlive = Never

If sHTTP(Index).sPOST > Then


End If

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