Re: Lots of users now having this problem - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: Lots of users now having this problem (General questions)

by woddrazen, Saturday, March 28, 2009, 08:29 (5518 days ago) @ ltoews

Hi Lorin,

We are really trying to help you. It's hard to resolve your issue without duplicating it first.

First of all did you set LicenseKey Property in your code before Connect Method? Can you show us how? You should send us your LicenseKey code to:

So it will be not publicly exposed.

Are you maybe using more then one instance of wodFtpDLX? If you do please set LicenseKey Property in each instance before Connect Method.

Also if you are destroying wodFtpDLX object in your code and start is again please also set LicenseKey Property.

Hope this helps. Let u know how it goes.


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