Download all files in directory - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Download all files in directory (General questions)

by Patrick Flynn, Monday, December 06, 2004, 12:10 (7093 days ago)

I have just downloaded this component to see if it could do what I though would be a simple task of copying all files in a Directory
without user intervention.

Working in VB i thought that the sample that pretended to do this would be a place to start but unfortunately this code is carefully written to do nothing.

The GetFiles command seemed another promising place to start but this will copy only a blank file with the same filename as in the directory.

I then tried modifying the VB Sample 8 that gets all names of files
and copying these but again I was only able to create blank files
with the same name.

Using the samples I can interactively log onto the site and download files but completely unable to do this automatically.

What am I missing?

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