Re: wodVPN For 1 Server - N Client Scenario - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: wodVPN For 1 Server - N Client Scenario (General questions)

by tanmay, Saturday, October 11, 2008, 15:48 (5684 days ago) @ wodDamir

Hello Damba,
Thanks for your response.

Firstly, below are my comments for each of your point.

Did you set Threads property to true? If not, please try it too.

Yes. It does not make difference for our purpose at hand.

Also, in order to accept multiple connections, you should do something like this:

Code: VpnServer1.Mediator.Timeout = 15;
VpnServer1.Threads = true;
VpnServer1.MediatorConnected += new WODVPNCOMLib._IwodVPNComEvents_MediatorConnectedEventHandler(VpnServer1_MediatorConnected);


As you can see from the above code, we would use MediatorConnected to detect incoming connection. We do that in order to initiate new wodVPN instance, which will do search (for the incoming peer's ID)and establish connection to it once found.

I've tried the above, and I was able to connect two peers to server instance of wodVPN.

I would like to confirm - do you mean to have the above code AT MEDIATOR ? [as mediator connected event is fired at mediator only].
Please advise, where should this code be placed.

However, please note that wodVPN is peer-2-peer component. There is no Server-client approach available. Server in this case can only be many instances of wodVPN.

Also, in Adapter based wodVPN you still will need multiple component instances for the above mentioned reason. Each wodVPN component can connect only two peers. You need new instances to connect more peers.
OK. We now believe that MULTIPLE-WODVPN INSTANCES ARE ONLY WAY to have multiple connectivity at a given time.
Given this, we would like to know, how does wodVPN support ability to have multiple simultaneous connections at given peer, WITH SAME ID [the MyID value]? We don't find support for establishing multiple SIMULTANEOUS connections to given peer, with ability to locate it through SAME ID. Please advise, as this is VERY CRUCIAL for us.

As for your last question, when you use Adapter, *all* traffic is redirected between peers, while when using channels, only certain traffic is redirected.

Unfortunately, we don't understand this statement completely, since it does not specify details about which traffic is NOT redirected. But that may not be our concern at least at this point when we don't get our most basic requirements - simultaneous multiple connections to a peer with same id.

We would like to know your answers to below:

We have tried name-fooling at mediator [php script], to enable consequent client search requests, to get the response for same server [although at different port]. And we have got the mediator to return the result to searching client. In spite of this, the client is not able to connect to the server. Can you please give us details on EXACT STEPS followed by searching peer, after receiving successful search result from mediator, to connect to the resultant peer.?

Hoping to hear from you soon.

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