wodSFTP/wodKeys problem - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

wodSFTP/wodKeys problem (wodSFTP / wodSFTP.NET / wodSFTPdll)

by Steve, Friday, March 28, 2008, 14:55 (5882 days ago)

I am attempting to connect to an openSSH server using wodSFTP and public/private key exchange.

I have generated a pair of keys, installed the public key on the server and successfully connected using puTTY and the private key.

When I attempt to create a connection using your sample application for public key authentication I cannot connect. No error message, but after a timeout, the app prints a status of Disconnected .

If I turn Blocking on and attempt to connect, the connect attempt returns with an error code of -1 .

Here is a code fragment from the connect routine:

On Error Resume Next
Set SFTP1 = New wodSFTPCom
SFTP1.HostName = Text3.Text
SFTP1.Login = Text4.Text
'sftp1.password = not needed!!!!

SFTP1.Authentication = authPubkey
SFTP1.PrivateKey = SSHKeys.PrivateKey(Combo1.ListIndex)
SFTP1.Blocking = True
If Err <> 0 Then
Text5.Text = Error: & Err.Description
Text5.Text = Connecting...
End If
SFTP1.ListDir /

Not sure what to try next?

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